Podcast: The CBD ED Show Podcasts Season 1

The CBD Ed Show brings together industry experts, health professionals, researchers and individuals who share their insight, stories and real-world experiences with CBD. In 2018 the United States Congress legalized industrial hemp including Cannibidiol (CBD). Today, when you have an ache or pain, or are not feeling well, doctors may be quick to send you home with a prescription for a pharmaceutical with potential negative short and long-term side-effects. This doesn’t have to be your only option. There are natural, highly-effective options available to you. Full spectrum CBD is a legal, natural alternative to Big Pharma. The CBD Ed Show provides real talk about everything CBD

How Exactly is CBD Made?

In this episode we’ll dive into the journey of CBD from “Seed” to “Sale”. We will explore the three main life phases of this product; growing, extraction, and manufacturing, and identify the processes & skills needed to produce high-quality CBD products.

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Dealing with Uncertainty

Fear and uncertainty can leave you feeling stressed, anxious, and powerless over the direction of your life. It can drain you emotionally and trap you in a downward spiral of endless “what-ifs” and worst-case scenarios about what tomorrow may bring. We will be discussing how others have overcome this physical and mental disabling situation using…

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Corticosteroids Overuse; A Familiar Prescription Drug Crisis

Research is looking into alternatives to corticosteroids. With the development of corticosteroids drugs like cortisone, hydrocortisone, and prednisone as an effective way to alleviate pain by reducing inflammation in the body, also brought a slew of side effects such as glaucoma, cataracts, fluid retention, high blood pressure, mood swings, weight gain, diabetes, increased risk of…

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Surviving Anxiety with CBD

Social distancing is in full swing and now creating feelings of separation, loneliness, social anxieties, and fear. These types of emotions tend to impose stress on our bodies and throw our immune system out of balance, leading to a lower immune response. While CBD is great for overall wellness, pain, sleep and anxiety disorders, today…

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Boosting Immunity Through Crisis

During this global threat understanding your immune system and how to impact it can literally save your life. In this episode we’ll discuss the science of CBD and our immune system, the benefits of CBD during this stressful time, and how natural alternatives are replacing Big Pharma for the sake of health!

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Social Distancing: Relieving the Anxiety & CBD

What an interesting time in the world, and what an amazing time to connect with ourselves & families! In this episode, we’ll discuss the basics of anxiety, beneficial tips and solutions to cope with the stress of social distancing, how CBD may help benefit you at this time (and the research behind it).

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CBD and Multiple Sclerosis

Continuing with the March CBD Madness, Multiple Sclerosis steals the spotlight this week. In this episode we will describe what Multiple Sclerosis is, how CBD can help bring relief from painful ailments, and how many have become MS warriors with the help of CBD & Cannabis therapies.

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Quitting Nicotine with CBD

Quit this nicotine Madness! In this episode, we will address the controversy vaping stigmas, the negative effects of high levels of nicotine, and why vaping CBD could be the next step towards recovery. Learn more about CBD oil for Tobacco.

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CBD & Terpenes: The Entourage Effect & Industry Updates

We keep hearing the terms “Terpene Infused” & “Terpene Profiles”, but what do they really mean & how do they help us? In this episode, we will discuss how the body’s naturally occurring Endocannabinoid System interacts with Terpenes & CBD to create a synergistic effect. Cannafyl CBD was also a part of the HITA &…

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CBD & Children: ADHD, Epilepsy, Autism

What are the current views and studies around children and CBD. It’s believed the CBD industry stepped into the lime light when it was shown to treat seizure in children. We’ll discuss the current research and what’s on the horizon.

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