
CBD and COVID-19

Certain cannabinoid acids can help prevent the COVID-19 virus from entering human cells, according to a study published by researchers at Oregon State University. In todays show Kim and I we’ll review the study and discuss the impact it has.

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Dealing with Uncertainty

Fear and uncertainty can leave you feeling stressed, anxious, and powerless over the direction of your life. It can drain you emotionally and trap you in a downward spiral of endless “what-ifs” and worst-case scenarios about what tomorrow may bring. We will be discussing how others have overcome this physical and mental disabling situation using…

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Surviving Anxiety with CBD

Social distancing is in full swing and now creating feelings of separation, loneliness, social anxieties, and fear. These types of emotions tend to impose stress on our bodies and throw our immune system out of balance, leading to a lower immune response. While CBD is great for overall wellness, pain, sleep and anxiety disorders, today…

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